I Got A Friend

I was sitting here today, thinking about the weeks to come. The surgery, the recovery, and how my nose might look. As I sat in silence, I looked down, and this is what I saw:

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No matter how I feel, or what I am thinking, Anneliese is always by my side. She loves me, snuggles with me, and with her I know, I am never alone.

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It started when she was really young. I think she was about 6 weeks old when I fell in love with her and she with me.

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I mean, look at that face! How could you not fall in love with her?

As the years have passed, this little dog has learned to cuddle and comfort me, always be by my side, and despite the fact that she can be a real mischief, she is also as gentle as can be.

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And now, as I near my surgery, Anneliese has literally glued herself to my side. She truly lets me know, that no matter what, I have a friend!

3 thoughts on “I Got A Friend”

  1. SO, so sweet! Going to Luke’s game, then to pick up the Honeymooners!! I can’t wait to see them!! Love YOU, Mel

  2. Dogs and cats have a special sense to detect the feelings of their beloved mummy ! She must feel that you are not in your usual state ! Rosie and Pookie are very sensible to that too, Arthur worries more about food and Kim only loves herself !

  3. the best of dogs is that they never think about how you look like… it doesn´t matter to them!!They know how you feel and they love you in good and bad times. Anneliese really is a special one 🙂
    All your doggies are special. :-)like my Noah to me!
    Love you dearest one

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