Twas The Day Before Surgery…

My Monday began much like any other day. Walking the dogs, making the coffee…and then my day turned upside down.

I had no Internet connection! I went and rebooted my router as I’ve been having a lot of trouble with that, but no, it didn’t work. So, as I got my second cup of coffee, I called my Internet Service Provider.

She tested the modem and it was determined that the modem was indeed dead.

So after breakfast, off Hubby and I went to exchange the modem, get the light bulb I talked about yesterday and food for our picky eater, Fritz.

As we roamed the isles of Walmart a little girl took one look at me and then followed me for several isles. Her eyes were wide with wonder and her mouth agape! Oh yes, I can hardly wait for my surgery!

Upon our arrival home, I hooked up the new modem and after another round with tech support, we got the modem running.

But then the router up and completely died! I sat down thinking. We already have our new, replacement router, but I was a little afraid to get it online.

I opened the box, read the almost non-existent instructions, where they actually said, “If you have any questions see us at www://……….

Now how the heck can you go online if the router isn’t working?

After several hours (I kid you not!) I finally got the router up and running. There are still tweaks to be done, but we can at least access the Internet! Yay!

I got the call for my surgery today. I must be at the hospital by 11:30 for a 1:00 pm surgery.

Folks, this nightmare is nearly over, and soon I will have my face back!

Savannah took her first steps!

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how happy I am about that! Oh, how I can hardly wait to see her in person!!!


So off to bed I go and I’ll report in on Wednesday and let you know how it all went!

2 thoughts on “Twas The Day Before Surgery…”

  1. Good Luck today, I am thinking of you and saying prayers for healing and great results! Love YOU, Mel

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