Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. When the children of today grow up, what do you think they’ll say about this period in time? What do you most hope they remember?

I hope that like all children in time they will remember the love of their families. I was just thinking about Savannah and how she is such a happy child.


My daughter is a fantastic mother, and Savannah is one of the happiest children that I know.

2. National Teacher’s Day is celebrated in the US of A on the first Tuesday in May, this year May 7th…share how a particular teacher positively impacted you.

Miss Norris, my second grade teacher. She was wonderful and warm, and made me want to learn.

3. What’s a dish your mama made, that if set in front of you today would whisk you right back to childhood?

My mom’s Sauerbraten. I make a fair Sauerbraten myself, but I always think of her when I make it.

4. Mother May I was a game we played when I was growing up…no pieces, parts, or plugs required. What games from childhood do you remember loving that were also pieces, parts, and plug-free?

I loved my Barbie dolls, and made clothes for them out of scrap material. But if we are taking about games, we did used to ride our bikes pretending they were horses, and climb trees, and doing flips and cartwheels and splits on the lawn.

5. Besides your own mother, tell us about a woman who influenced you as a child?

My Grandmother, Mary Francis Daniel Prussman.


She was a ladies, lady and taught me so much.

6. Mamma Mia! What’s the best play or musical you’ve ever seen?


Probably not THE best, but I loved it nonetheless! I love the ABBA music and I thought Meryl Streep was awesome! I also love The Sound of Music! Probably because I played Gretel in our community theater when I was a child!


Yes, that is me age 8 years old playing Gretel.

7. What are three smells that make you feel nostalgic?

Bread baking in the oven, lilacs and baking chocolate chip cookies. As you can see, food smells really dominate my pleasure centers.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I’m still struggling with my face.
May 07 13 006

I’ve never been a patient person, and yet it appears I will have to be. Meanwhile, I am returning to Weight Watchers today and plan to get myself physically back in shape!

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Your little granddaughter is just precious! I really love the old picture of your grandmother on her wedding day…what a beauty she was! Your face is continuing to look better and better all the time! Soon…this will all be just a thing of the past!

  2. I think you are looking lovely Maribeth! Healing takes time, but I’m sure its hard to be patient. That is such an adorable picture of your granddaughter! She does look like a happy girl : )

  3. Good to get a second opinion and hoping they can help you feel and look better!
    Savannah is a little doll! What a sweetie! Love YOU, Mel

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