Being Scolded By FaceBook

I went off to the hair stylists today to get my roots done. This erases the tell tale signs that I’m getting old by taking that gray and washing it away!

When I got done, I came home and went to sign into Facebook to check on everyone. What I found sort of shocked me.

I was being scolded by Facebook for being an over tag-er. They claim I tag too many people when I post pictures.

Now, in my own defense, the only time I tag people is when I am posting Savannah pictures and I never tag more than 6-7 people at a time. And then, I only tag family members.

Today I was forced to take a test where they sort of shamed me for tagging people. At the end, I was told I would be monitored and if I continue to “over tag” I will be suspended.

I’ve wondered if someone I have tagged in photo’s (so they could see Savannah right off) complained about me?

I really do not know. What I will do in the future is make an album of the pictures and then send a post separately to contact the family.

Meanwhile, Facebook really made me feel bad, and I just didn’t need that!

4 thoughts on “Being Scolded By FaceBook”

  1. OH, MAN! That stinks 🙁 I have never heard of such restrictions – that’s really mean of them to do that to you (especially after your big password struggles lately!). HAVE A GOOD DAY TODAY with no computer related issues!

  2. Wow, that’s odd-haven’t heard of that before! Might be like you said-someone may have reported it or something. Facebook can be a pain sometimes!

  3. I hate face book and only post there from time to time. I don’t even know what tagging people means or how to do that. Anyway this Facebook is crazy when I see all the rubbish people publish ! Don’t worry about it, it’s really not worthwhile.

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