
Lately it seems that when I go out with the dogs into my yard I am surrounded by nature. Now I am not a big fan of chipmunks, but today I turned scanning the yard, and there he was, sitting quietly in my lilac bush. This is a late in the season lilac, so it has not blossomed yet.


So anyway, there he sat, completely still. He watched me, and I watched him. I knew if I ran to get my regular camera, I would miss the shot, so I took my cell phone from my belt clip, and set up the shot. He never even blinked. Just sat there completely still, hoping the dogs wouldn’t see him.


I walked slowly, closer and closer and I was able to get about 3 feet from him, before he scurried down and dove under our screen porch.

Now this little bugger better not eat my garden when I plant it! Last year we had two fat chipmunks that lived in our stone wall, and wiped out my garden a couple of times!

I have been enjoying all of the critters that have found their way into my yard this year. It brings an easy smile to my face.

Life is good!

2 thoughts on “Chippies!”

  1. I saw one the other day when I was out for a walk. He was near someone car and even climbed under the car for a minute before he came back down and onto their driveway. They are so cute and remind of Chip and Dale. Love YOU, Mel

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