Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Have you learned more from success or failure? Explain.

I have learned more from life. Things I never planned, but just happened to me. My car accident is a good example. That was such a defining moment in my life, that taught me compassion, empathy, and so much more. I learned about appreciating the life we have, and those in it, is the most important thing in life.

2. What did you call your grandparents when you were growing up?

I called mine, Papa Fred, and Grandma Honey. And Papa Sam and Grandma Elsie.

If you have children, what do they call your parents?

They had Mimi and Papa Jim. And Grammie Alice and Papa Bobby.

If you have grandchildren, what do they call you?

My granddaughter is lucky. She has Grammie Alice and Mimi as Great Grandmothers. Crazy Grandma (that’s me) and Papa Jack. Grandpa Bob and Grammie Diane and Nana and Grandpa Arthur.

3. You’re invited to a luau. In keeping with that theme, what dish will you bring to share?

I would try to do something with coconut. You see I’d love to do something with pineapple, but I’m allergic to it.

4. Besides Jesus, what one person’s life story do you think everyone should know about?

I loved Mother Theresa. She was such a good and selfless woman.

5. “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Agree or Disagree? Why?

Trust me. The small stuff is not worth getting upset over. In life, there are so many more things to worry about.

6. June is National Rivers Month. When were you last on a river? What’s the prettiest river you’ve ever seen? What’s a river you’d like to see?

I have taken several cruises on the Rhine River in Germany. Just beautiful. I would love to go along the River Seine. I have heard it is amazing. Not to mention the French cheeses, baguettes and wines!

7. Speaking of rivers-paddling, fishing, swimming, or bird watching safely from the shore? Which activity would you choose? Yes-you have to choose.

Swimming. I grew up on Cape Cod and I love to swim in the ocean. Not so much in lakes.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I’ve been thinking about historical men in the military. During the Civil War, General Grant. In World War Two, Patton. What do you think of heroes like this? Were you taught about historical figures like these two men in history? Do you think that Seal Team Six will be remembered for all they have done in our War on Terrorism?

One thought on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. My mother did a Rhine River cruise and loved it. I think I could handle riverboat cruising. No ocean, right? Mother Teresa is a good answer!

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