Teeth & Noses

I finally was able to go to my dentist for my bi-annual cleaning and check up. No cavities, but a crack in one old filling. So, I go on Friday to have it worked on.

The only problem is, after they cleaned my teeth my face started to throb! I can only image what Friday will bring!

When I got back home, Hubby had errands he wanted to do, so I tagged along in order to buy the dogs canned food and other perishable items for us to have in the house.

Then, finding no other TV program on (but news) and wanting to fill the air with something positive, I grabbed my copy of “Mama Mia” popped it into the DVD player, and have it on. I just love the music!

Hubby is working on the trees now that the rain has stopped and it is dead calm. I told him to go ahead as I am not really hungry for dinner, so off he went on his tractor.

Gosh how he loves that thing! Best gift I have ever given him, I think!!!

Just three weeks and I will be going in for the next surgery.

June 18 13 002

As much as I can hardly wait for this, I am also really nervous!

Deep breath! It will all be good!!!

One thought on “Teeth & Noses”

  1. I just know that the next surgery is going to make a huge difference. You’ll be back to your old self fast! Love YOU, Mel

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