Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What’s one simple small pleasure on your summer ‘to-do’ list?

I want to go for fried clams. I know it is not everyone’s desire, but I sure love it!

August 2 013

2. Do you have strong feelings or opinions regarding the immigration debate in your home country? Feel free to share your thoughts, but please play nice.

I think that if someone wants to come here and goes through the proper channels, then this is a good thing. Now, that being said, I actually have friends who have come here from other countries and it has not been easy for them, even though they have gone through the correct channels.

So, we need to have one set of rules, and anyone climbing a fence can’t be allowed to stay, especially when people who do the form work, have sponsors, etc. still have to wait and wait.

PS: My Papa was from Germany, and came through Ellis Island. He was just a boy of 9, but loved this country as if he had been born here.

3. What’s something in your home or wardrobe that could be described as ‘star spangled’?

I have a three dish, red white and blue set that I use on the fourth of July!

4. Is your house set up for a party?

Yes. We have an open concept kitchen and family room and this opens onto a patio with an awning.

5. What one never-before-visited city in America, would you most like to see?

I think New Orleans. I have never been and would like to go, see the place, and eat!

6. Your favorite red food? White food? Blue food?

Red food? Boiled Lobster.

May 29 10 018

White Food? Mashed potatoes!

Nov 24 013

and Blue food? Blueberries!

Aug 6 009

7. What freedom do you value the most, and why?

The freedom of speech! I love writing my blog and putting down my thoughts. However, it is a scary time in our country, as more and more people are losing their right to “Free Speech”.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Hubby finished fixing the air conditioner in the bedroom! I have a hairline fracture in my foot. Mom has been moved to a rehab center near my sister. Easier for all. And I am thinking it may very well rain all summer long! Yuck!

5 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Rain with a chance of showers and a gazillion mosquitoes buzzing about. Love YOU, Mel

  2. Poor boiled Lobster :-). Do you remember on when I had to put the Lobster into the pot for cooking? Hihihihi
    That was fun

  3. Oh gosh Maribeth, you’ve had quite a lot to cope with these past few months. Sorry about your foot! I love fried clams and will have mine with a side of lobster please : ). Happy 4th!

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