Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What’s something people might ask you for help with?

Usually it is anything dog related although lately it is skin related. Remember that sunscreen and a hat everyone!

2. What’s something you might ask someone else for help with?

Right now almost everything. Between my nose and my foot I am only functioning at about a 75% level.

3. Did your family take summer vacations when you were a child?

No. We lived on Cape Cod, literally 5 minutes from the beach.

If so, where did you go?

One summer we did go to Washington DC. I was very young.

If you’re a parent, did/do you plan summer vacations with your own family? Did/do they resemble those you took as a child?

Yes, we took the girls to Cape Cod often when I was still married to my ex-husband, and also to Canada and Disney in Florida.

4. Pool-lake-ocean…which one is most appealing to you on a hot summer day?

Ocean, but I don’t get there often. We did have a pool for 6 years, when we lived in Florida and I used it often. Now we live across the street from a lake. I love to look at it, but seldom swim there.

5. Have you ever justified using the expression, ‘you gotta be cruel to be kind’? Was it really necessary or were you rationalizing?

More likely joking.

6. The Journal of Psychology recently mentioned the results of a survey identifying the ten most hated foods as-liver, lima beans, mayonnaise, mushrooms, eggs, okra, beets, brussel sprouts, tuna, and gelatin. Of those foods, how many do you actually hate? Anything you’d add to the list?

I don’t hate any of those things. In fact I love them all. Recently, I tried Kimchee and I hated that!

7. What’s your favorite book or movie set in a beach or lake town?

On Golden Pond. It was filmed in the next town over from us. Every time I watch it, I see places I know. I also love the story.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I woke at 5 AM on Tuesday morning. My nose is swollen and sore, but I am not allowing this to get me down! I really cannot believe how much better it looks already!

July 09 13 007

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I’m so glad you’re happy with your new surgeon and the result. You’re looking great! Sorry your foot is still a problem…hope it’s healing well too!

  2. I’m guessing you’ve had surgery, I’m not sure why as this is my first time visiting your blog I think. I hope you’re healing well though. It looks like you are.

    I’m another coastal girl – but coastal Scotland means we usually go find another more consistently warm coast abroad for summer holidays!

    A few people have mentioned this Golden Pond – not something I’d heard of will have to investigate further.

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