Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. July 24th is Amelia Earhart Day. Earhart was the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. What’s something you’ve recently accomplished solo?

I drove all the way down to Cape Cod alone (not so bad) but when returning alone, I was hit with vicious weather, which required me to stop twice to allow the rain to pass. I left the Cape around 9 AM and didn’t pull in at home until nearly 4. Tonight I’m feeling pretty tired, but VERY happy!

2. What’s one product you use that never ever fails?

Oxyclean Washing Booster! It really works! Even on set in stains!!!

3. Have you found your place in the world? Where is it?

I think I have. It isn’t necessarily a physical place, but a place in my mind and in my heart. I know who I am, who I love and value, and what life is all about.

4. Worst movie you ever saw?

Oh boy, that’s tough. I’ve gone to movies and walked out. One movie was critically acclaimed, but I did not like it at all! There have also been movies that I will just not go to because I’m not into them. (PS: I don’t want to say what the movie I least like is, as it may be someone’s favorite, and I would not want to hurt anyone’s feelings.)

5. What’s the last fun thing you did?

I went to Cape Cod to attend my cousin’s spur of the moment Beach Wedding! We met on the beach at 7:45 (moonrise). Janet and Dave said their vows, I recited the Apache Wedding Poem, and we all celebrated.


July 22 13 047

July 22 13 073

It was a small wedding, but it was perfect! Intimate, full of love and very, very, happy.

6. The month of July is named for Roman Emperor Julius Caesar…ever been to Rome? What’s your favorite Italian dish?

Never been to Rome, but love Italian food. I love Eggplant Parmesan, so that’s it, my favorite Italian dish!

7. What is one piece of advice you’d offer new mom Kate Middleton?

Enjoy every single day of your child’s life. Their childhood will fly by. So, hold your baby, rock your baby, and breathe in all the happiness he brings to your heart and your life!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

It was funny to go back to the Cape (Cape Cod). I grew up there, and there is something about the smell of the marshes and the ocean, that bring me right back to my childhood. I found myself closing my eyes and inhaling deeply!

I also had a Portuguese Sweet Muffin! There is nothing like it anywhere. As a child, Gene’s Bakery was owned by a nice Portuguese family and their breads, rolls and muffins were awesome!



Dave, Me, and Michelle. The Bride took the picture!

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. GREAT, Janet and Dave are married now.Both look so happy and I wish they will have a wonderful future,
    Love Uschi

  2. Love your answers to #s 3 + 4 šŸ™‚ and love the picture of us! So glad you could come!!!

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