Back On The Wagon

Wednesday found me at my Weight Watcher’s class. During the spring and all the surgeries, I really let my sensible eating plans go by the wayside. I knew i had to do something drastic soon, as the weatherman reminded us this morning that in approximately six weeks we will have our first frost and I have just two pairs of pants that fit. Neither one of them has a zipper.

That alone should tell you that life (and my pants size) have spread out!

But just jumping on the program is not that easy. I found myself fighting with myself today about what to have for lunch. I had no time to go home between class and my hair stylist’s appointment. Should I get a plain salad, a Southwestern salad at McDonald’s or something else?

I finally opted to stop at the grocery store and get some seafood salad. That and a nice iced lite cappuccino, made a good lunch.

Then dinner tonight found me fighting with myself again. I wanted something like spaghetti, but opted for some more noble, like bay scallops, rice and a wonderful stir-fry with my garden vegetables.

But I wanted something more. Sugar. More starch! Sweet anything. And it was a battle.

I know the first week of being on plan is the toughest. Once I get my body back to accepting the low calorie, low fat diet,  I know it won’t be so tough. But right now….

Well, it will be worth it in the end right? You know, when I can once again zip up my jeans without pliers!

4 thoughts on “Back On The Wagon”

  1. I am on an 8 week detox right now and one of the things I shouldn’t eat during this time is wheat.
    OMG, it is in everything that tastes good!!! Pasta, Pizza, cake,…
    I bought spelt whole grain flour instead which I am allowed to eat and there are even spelt pasta. So far I am only one week into it but its going ok.
    And it already made a difference on my scale as well, which is not the reason I am doing it. But it’s a great side-effect. 😉
    So maybe it would help you as well to leave wheat out of your diet? If you are not doing that already.

  2. I find that sugar makes me crave more sugar. If I eat too much chocolate I have to stop and make sure to break that cycle. Hang in there. Love YOU, Mel

  3. Wish you good luck ! Each time you want to eat something sweet eat an apple it has no calories at all ! I eat two apples cut into little pieces in the evening watching TV so I have no time to eat something else, lol !

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