Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What’s something you’re never too young or too old to enjoy?

Ice Cream! My earliest memories of happiness are those of trips to Dairy Queen, or Friendlies for ice cream. Even now, when I splurge and have an ice cream, it brings a smile to my face!

2. Share one happy memory from your high school years.

I met my first husband there. He made me feel so special and happy and loved. We went on to marry and have two beautiful children of our own. But it all started in High School.

3. A nationwide strike of fast food employees took place in the U. S. last week…they’re calling for higher wages and the right to unionize? Your thoughts?

Be careful. Illegal and Legal Immigrants will gladly come in and work those jobs. Use your fast food job as a stepping stone to a better job. But if you “demand” higher payment and you “unionize”, you may find no job left for you at the end of the day!

4. September is National Honey Month…what’s a favorite dish you make or eat that calls for honey?

Baklava! It is so good, and my neighbor, who is Greek, makes the very best!

5. If you notice someone with a tag sticking out, a button unbuttoned, a shirt on inside-out, or some leftover lunch stuck between their teeth do you say something or do you keep quiet?

It depends on well I know the person. If it was my sister, cousin, or husband, or even a close friend, I’d mention it right off, but quietly.

6. What movie always makes you cry? Or at least makes you feel like crying?

“The Notebook”. I only recently saw it for the first time. I’ve watched it again a few times since and I cry like a baby.

7. ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ was written in May of 1830, and published in Juvenile Miscellany in September of that same year. Now for the fun part…create your own four line rhyme using that same tune.

Greta had two babes,
whose fur was rough as hers
now all are cuddled in a pile
and the snoring sounds like purrs!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Hubby took me out yesterday so I could buy a dress for my mother’s Memorial Service this weekend.

I’m not happy I have gained weight this year. I have so many poor excuses. My mother’s illness, my own cancer. Well, they all stacked up and I gained weight. After finding a nice dress, he found a pair of pretty dress slacks and top for me to wear as well. And he made me feel pretty and not so bad about the weight gain. I’ll get back to Weight watchers when I can, but right now, I need to heal my soul.

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