The Long Road

I didn’t sleep well on Thursday night, so when I finally got up, showered, dressed and got in my car to drive to my sister’s home, I was already exhausted.

The ride actually wasn’t too bad though, as I was going along after rush hour. However, I woke right up as I drove along route 91 in Springfield, Massachusetts. First I had a policeman neck and neck with me, and then in front of us a pick up truck hit a bump and loose wood came flying out of the back of the truck bed!

For a split second I thought I was a goner! Fortunately the wood went into the policeman’s lane and as I looked in my rear-view mirror I could see he was just fine, had his lights on and was picking up the wood. It scared me to death!

But I lived to tell the story.

Later in the day, after we had picked up my two nephews at the Amtrack station, we were talking about how fickle life can be. People who have died in freak accidents don’t just get up one day expecting to die.

No, life it to enjoy and to live!

I’m amazed at how much my brother’s two sons remind me of him. Both of them. The tones in their voices and the looks in their eyes. We started comparing notes on allergies and stuff, and sure enough,they have some of the strange ones Mel, Janet and I do!

I think, if there is one gift Mom gave to Mel and me in her last months of life, was the gift of my brother’s sons, and how much family really means.

Thanks Mom!

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