Strange Saturday

Hubby slept until nearly 10:30 this morning, so I decided to make a brunch. I made fresh blueberry muffins, yogurt with cherries, coffee, bacon and eggs, orange juice and fresh sliced pears, from our trees. It was a good filling meal.

Just as we finished (and we were still in our pajamas), the phone rang and it was the propane man looking for our house. We get propane delivered twice a year and today was one of the days.

While Hubby guided him in on the phone, I grabbed my jeans, and shirt and shoes and raced outside to show him where to park.

Greta and Arnie slipped by me, causing my heart to stop, as I worried about their safety, but I quickly got them into our Jeep, while the truck backed up.

Then we showed the propane man where the tank was. He was a nice young man, and liked dogs. Good thing, as there are so many here!

The rest of the day was sort of strange. I did some house work, watched a little TV and at one point nearly fell asleep.

This afternoon we started to think about going on a trip. A trip where we could both just kick back and relax. However, from now until the end of the year we both have medical things happening, so a vacation is not in the cards for us.

Oh well, maybe next spring before the trees start to bloom.

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