Pass The Salad Oil!

**Remember this is De-Lurking Week So, please say hello!**
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Today will be another day on the slopes! I bet I’ll be feeling energetic as I glide down the mountain. After over a week of daily exercise, I am feeling stronger and my endurance is starting to build. I must, however, note that I was really in terrible shape from a December of cookie and chocolate eating, but such is life when you are saving your diabetic husband from a certain coma!
It’s funny, I don’t feel terribly traumatized going back onto The South Beach Diet. Probably because I am starting to accept the fact that South Beach isn’t necessarily a “diet”, but more a way of life.
I do have to admit to hoping that I could lose weight faster. You know? I’ve been on this diet for a week and all I’ve lost is 4 pounds! Certainly with all my goodness, I’d have transformed my chubby middle aged body into that of a slender starlet! Or maybe, at least I could fit into my jeans without salad oil! Oh well, I guess that will come in time.
Until then, can someone pass the oil?

4 thoughts on “Pass The Salad Oil!”

  1. Fit into my jeans without salad oil? That episode of Friends where Ross adds baby powder to put his leather pants back on is what comes to mind. If you didn’t see it, just know it made me chuckle:)

  2. Isn’t skiing supposed to give you a good workout or something? Although I’d spend more time on my butt than on my feet… Hmm maybe I should take up skiing when I can… Maybe I can sluice off all the fat that way. LOL.

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