
This morning was bath morning for all three dackels. Hubby was playing with them this morning and they didn’t pass the smell test, so into the sink they went! They’re all pretty good, with the exception of Greta who let me know she wasn’t happy, by talking to me all through her bath!

This actually is a good thing because they are due for their next flea and tick application on May first and they tell you not to bath them a few days before or after. So I am all set!

We will be bringing up the potting soil that we got yesterday and despite the cold weather I will plant the seeds today for the garden. I think I may very well put the seed containers on trays that I can move inside until it warms up. Right now, even my green house is cold!

I made a ham steak last night for dinner. I love ham, but with just two of us, it doesn’t make sense to buy a whole ham. Anyway, it was so good, served with spicy German mustard, and Bratkartoffeln (German fried potatoes like homefries).

After a long, cold, and dreary winter, I am starting to feel better, brighter. This despite the fact that I had an interesting encounter last week.

I was out to lunch with a friend of mine named Laurie. We spotted a woman we both know quite well, as we were leaving the restaurant. We stopped to say hello and Ann acted like she didn’t know me. Finally Laurie said, “You remember, Maribeth?” and Ann said “Oh my gosh, I would never have recognized you!” I smiled, trying to be gracious, and said “Oh, it’s probably the longer hair.” Now that gave her an easy out. “No” she said, “That’s not it!” Okay I thought, what do I do? “Well I had a lot of plastic surgery last year”.

Then she gave me a little bit of a smirk, like I had been caught having a face lift. “I had facial cancer, and after they removed the cancer I had to have reconstructive surgery. My Boston doctor is so gifted and I am grateful”. And at that, we left.

I felt a little bad at first, but then I thought of her rudeness. I know she knew who I was. We were on the same committee here in town for three years. We met twice a month and in a town of 6000 people you see each other all the time.

The I remembered the song from “Frozen”. “Let it Go!” and that is what I have done. (At least now that I have shared it all with you.)

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