Christmas Eve

Here I am wrapping like crazy, all the treasures I have gotten over the last year, for my family. I’m only half way done. So much more to do tomorrow.

But as I wrapped I began to think about Christmas’s past. In my youth and teen years. Mom always made sure we had things under the tree. But when we got into our teen years something wonderful happened.

Dad, who had previously not known what to get us, did his mad dash to the Pharmacy. There he would shop and get us his gifts to us. Dolls, life savers, crossword puzzles, chap stick, funny hats, books, etc.


Here I am at age age 12.

All these years later, I look back and I realize how wonderfully special this was. No, Dad didn’t spend a lot of money, and almost no time, but he did, every year go out and buy me gifts just from him.

Most of you know, Dad was a music teacher. At Christmas he played concerts with the schools, the churches, and even on the local village green.

I didn’t know it then, but I do now. I was a lucky girl. My Dad loved me and showed me the only way he knew how.

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