Unconditional Love

I’ve decided that when I come back in the next life, I want to come back as my own dog!
I spoil my pups. They get special food, special cookies, nice toys, sleep in my bed under the covers and of course get patted and cuddled continuously!

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We are the type of people who don’t treat our dogs like, well, dogs. They are our babies and we treat them like our little children.
Someone once asked me why my dogs were so personable, so sweet, so loving? My answer? It’s easy, they were raised with all the love, gentleness and caring that I have in my heart.
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Granted, I’ve made certain accommodations around the house. I cover our sofa with a soft blanket,
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I make sure that I vacuum frequently and water dishes are always filled. I’m also never too busy for a cuddle or to open a can of food. For that I am rewarded with unconditional love and affection.
How good is that?

4 thoughts on “Unconditional Love”

  1. oh yeah, giz is spoiled! I can’t help it…he’s just a cutie pie. Every animal owner should spoil their pets. It should be in the contract when you adopt a furry friend.

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