Cough, Cough

I woke up yesterday and my throat was feeling sore. All I could think was, No Way! I simply can’t be sick. I took my temperature, 100. (F) and so I planned to take some aspirin and just lay low. It was not to be. Just as I settled down to watch Regis and Kelly, Hubby starts looking for some paperwork, convinced I have somehow misplaced it.
Now in all fairness, I have previously been guilty of such crimes, but in this case, I knew quite certainly, that I hadn’t touched the papers in question. Of course, this did not get me off the hook. As Hubby is laid up with his knee, I was the chief searcher for his mission of “find the papers”. I looked in all the usual places that one stashes papers, but they weren’t there. After over half an hour of searching, I asked if he could have put them away? Of course not!
Still, I figured it was time to go into the closet and see if they were in the document binders. He was so sure they were not there. Imagine his shock when the papers were located there?
I was hoping this would end my duties, but no. Hubby was not going to let me rest. It was then that the issue of my poor filing system came into play.
Now I admit, I hate to file. I put off this task until the file box is so full that the papers are falling on the floor and I need to do some penance for some other sin. But I really didn’t feel like doing it yesterday.
After much arguing discussion, I started filing at 1 o’clock and didn’t finish until nearly three. All I wanted was a hot cup of tea and to sit.
I checked e-mail, answered a phone call and then wham, time to cook dinner.
By the time dinner ended I was having chills. I wrapped up in an afghan, which didn’t work. I broke out the heavy comforter and wrapped up in that, two pairs of socks, my pajamas, a sweatshirt and bathrobe, and sat doing nothing while I watched tv.
This morning my temperature is down to 99.6 (F) but I still feel crummy. I can’t lie around today either as I need to go to the grocery store and resupply.
One piece of really good news is, that I got a message from FedEx that my laptop is en-route. I got a tracking number and I have been following it from Shanghai, China, to Anchorage Alaska, to Indianapolis, IN. I expect it to be here in another two days.
Hubby is gifting me with a new machine since my current laptop is slowly dying of incurable memory failure! So despite the fact that he made me file yesterday when I was feverish, I still think he is wonderful! lol!

8 thoughts on “Cough, Cough”

  1. Hi Mom, Hope you are feeling better, and hope Shubi is doing well. I’m sorry to hear she has been under the weather, and that you have been too! My party went off very well; I was busy all weekend with prep, and then all of yesterday with clean up, but survived having 40 people over for the game! 🙂
    Talk soon!

  2. Hi Maribeth
    I love the new wallpaper. Your site looks fab! I’m glad that I finally got a minute to check it out. I got a little jealous when I read about your “best friend” Uschi- doesn’t 30 something years of undying love count for anything these days!! Hey, I have German blood, too! I hope you know that I’m just funning you :>)I’ve included my new e-mail address on this note. Soon the network will be up and completely running and it will be the way to get me.
    Love, Gail

  3. Here I am, I had to call to get back on and after a few tries we got things back okay.
    We really are twins since I don’t feel well at all today. Thanks for sending it to me over the phone! LOL

  4. I hope you are feeling better. Isn’t it wonderful this tracking thing they have now? I love watching where my packages are as they make there way to my house. I must not have enough to do!

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