Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Way back when (the Hodgepodge bicentennial to be precise) several of you submitted questions as part of a giveaway I was hosting. I went back to that list for inspiration today and found a question submitted by Marla, who blogs over at Marla’s Musings. Thanks Marla!

She asks-At what age did you feel like a ‘grown-up’? What keeps you young now?

I felt grown up at 26. I was faced with a life changing event. That was when I knew I was an adult. It was sink or swim. What keeps me young now? Easy…Savannah!

11915443_10207306395999851_4128664911584445531_n (2) 2. When did you last buy a vehicle? Was this by design or because you had no other option? Was the car/truck purchased for your own personal use or was it bought for someone else to drive? On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being delightful and 1 being ‘pass the Excedrin’) how would you rate the experience? Okay, it is a year and a half ago. We bought our Toyota Highlander. It was by necessity. Previously we owned an old 4 wheel drive Jeep, which was our winter car. That Jeep was really old. Anyway, midwinter a year and a half ago, Hubby and I drove to the grocery store in a snow storm. We got out of the car, closed the drivers side door and all the rusty metal, just fell off!!! We knew what we wanted to buy, but it wasn’t until we saw an add a few months later for a 2012 Highlander, with 8000 miles on it.


The car was pristine, one owner, and around what we wanted to pay. But the dealership nickled and dimed us, and after getting half way home with our car, we realized they’d only given us one key fob! We called them and they claimed that Hubby had lost it! Finally they said that it only came to them with the one fob. Oh, and a new one would be $150.00 and another $100.00 to program. We quickly associated ourselves with a better and more trusted dealership, that got us the key fob for a reasonable price and programmed it for a lot less.

So although we love the Highlander, we detested the experience with the Dealership.

3. Corn bread, corn chips, corn pudding, corn on the cob, cornflakes, corn chowder-your favorite of the corn-y foods listed? What needs to be served alongside your selection?

Corn on the cob. It needs no accompanying dish. Good summer corn is a delight all by itself!

4. What’s something in your life that regularly requires you to ‘put your thinking cap on’?

Meals. Although I love to cook, I get into a rut with meals. Some days I wish we could just go out, as I get too tired to even cook!

5. Share a favorite movie set in a school or classroom, or whose theme relates to school days in some way.


I think I relate to that movie now, because I realize how different we all were back then in school, but how alike we were too. Full of doubt, wondering about our abilities. Yes, The Breakfast Club for sure!

6. Reading, writing, and ‘rithmatic’ are commonly referred to as the three R’s. What are the three R’s in your life right now?

Running around, as I try to can and freeze the produce we have from the garden. Rheumatology, as I am working to find just the right mix of meds to take for my arthritis. Reservations, as we will be attending an Army Aviators Reunion in the Fall.

7. What’s something you’ve learned or tried recently you can say was as ‘easy as ABC’?

We went out to Olive Garden and I tried their Minestrone Soup. I do not like Minestrone Soup, but thought, what the heck. Well, I loved it! Their soup is awesome!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I got my stitches out today and the hand is just a little sore, but really, it is all good. I now have official therapy to do with my hand, and in about 6 weeks I will be better than ever!

2 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I’m so behind in reading blogs I missed your hand issue. Glad you’re on the mend! If you’re looking for a great homemade minestrone recipe google Ina Gartens winter minestrone-it is so good!!

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