Clocks Change, Doggy Schedules Do Not!

On Sunday, I had these great plans that would find me doing laundry, organizing my winter sweaters and cooking a nice big meal for Hubby.

However, our clocks changed today and fell back an hour. Now this should be a good thing, right? An extra hour of sleep? Not if you have children or dogs.

The dogs were all going crazy most of the day. Their internal clocks have not adjusted, so at four this afternoon, they started barking for their dinner. I finally broke down at 4:30 and fed the beasts!

So, I watched football (a very odd occurrence if the patriots aren’t playing, and they weren’t), and I also cleaned the stove. Ah well, see, that was productive! Aside from those two things, not much was done to further any of my plans for the day.

Ah well, it’s the start of a new week! Have a great one!

2 thoughts on “Clocks Change, Doggy Schedules Do Not!”

  1. The time change is tough on animals. Tobi too. Some of the dairy farmers here don’t switch, because it’s too hard on the animals.
    I’d like the winter/summer time thing to go away too. I hate missing that hour of sleep in spring.

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