Friday Five

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks, but today I finally feel like there is light at the end of this tunnel. In fact, as I write, I am actually smiling. So here is my Friday Five!

  1. I met a fabulous Neurosurgeon today. He was bright and calming, and made me feel totally at ease.
  2. He spoke with me (not at me) and discussed the various options that I had available to me.
  3. In the end we agreed that surgery is the best option. A frontal option, which sounds awful, but in fact is better and safer to do it this way.
  4. He has an opening next week and tomorrow I will get my date and time.
  5. I can almost feel the pain getting better!

5 thoughts on “Friday Five”

  1. SO glad it is almost over for you!I can’t wait for you to be able to enjoy life again and the pain to be gone! Love YOU, Mel

  2. Hi Marybeth….we just got back late this afternoon and I saw this post. I am glad they were able to fit you in so soon! We will have you in our prayers for a speedy recovery! If there is anything we can do for you once you get home please have Jack call me or Paul. Good luck!!!

  3. Hopefully all will be well. Can you email me Maribeth so I can have your email address? I somehow lost your email and have given myself a hiatus from Facebook until 2016 and can’t get be in touch!

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