Putter, Putter, Putter…

Tuesday found me puttering around a lot. I actually got many little things done, and I am feeling better.

The funniest thing happened yesterday, though. We were looking at dog food bags, reading ingredients, and this 50 pound bag started to fall. In my past careless life, I would have reached to stop it. Instead, I stood back and let it fall. Right now, nothing is worth messing up my neck!

Folks, it is freezing here. I wore long-johns all day long, and also used a blanket in the evening. This afternoon, Hubby made me a fire in our fireplace and I sure am enjoying that.

Because I am still somewhat limited on my movement I watched 2 movies today. “Louis Pasture” and “Madame Curie”. Both made in the 30’s and early 40’s and very well done. Both of these pioneers paved the road for health in our world.

I’m going back to Weight Watchers tomorrow. I may not be able to eat the foods yet, but I want to start learning about the new program. We shall see…

Oh yes. The new cheap, back up coffee maker did a fine job making coffee and keeping it hot. Not bad!

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