The Weekend Wrap

Well it’s Sunday night and frankly, I am amazed at how fast we weekend went. Perhaps it was the excitement of the Pond Hockey, maybe the meals I prepared for the Super Bowl, or maybe it was just that I am finally starting to sleep better after the surgery left me unable to sleep for long periods of time.

My new bed has helped with that, but also the healing. The one thing I cannot seem to adjust to is the fact that I can no longer sleep on my stomach. Fifty-seven years ago, mothers put their babies on their bellies to sleep. Mom always claimed that it helped rid me of colic. Quite frankly, I have always liked belly sleeping, and I really miss it.

Now I am trying to get used to sleeping on my sides. Being on my back is almost a fate worse than death. So I roll around a bit.

I’m watching the Super Bowl, but honestly I am not as excited as I would be if our team, the Patriots were playing.

I have started watching Premier League Soccer and Bundesliga Soccer. I am really amazed at how these men can run the length of the soccer field for that duration. Think about it. They have to be in peak shape! And I bet they burn a ton of calories, as there isn’t a fat soccer player on the fields!

So, after much consideration, I’ve decided to go to Europe and become a soccer player. It may be the only way to break my current weight problems!

Happy Monday, everyone!

2 thoughts on “The Weekend Wrap”

  1. I’m a futbol fan too : ) I don’t sleep well on my stomach. So funny how we get used to things isn’t it? Glad you’re healing well!

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