Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your summer so far? Why?
(1=eh and 10=best summer ever)

Oh, I think I would give it a 7. The garden is growing, the grandchildren are marvelous and healthy and life, in general, is very good.

2. July 26th is National Aunts and Uncles Day. Did you have many aunts and uncles growing up? Were you especially close to any one or maybe all of them? Are you an aunt? (or uncle for the men who join here on Wednesdays) Share a favorite memory relating to one of your own aunts or uncles or relating to a niece or nephew who call you Aunt (or Uncle).

Growing up I had only one real uncle and his wife.  But, there was my mother’s cousin, George and his wife Betty. I always called them Aunt and Uncle, and in the grand scheme of things, Uncle George and Aunt Betty were the Uncle and Aunt of my heart. My favorite memory of Uncle George, was when he walked me down the isle when I married Hubby.


Uncle George was the finest man I have ever known. And, I was so blessed to be loved by him. He was never too tired, or too busy, to be there for all of us kids. I sure do miss him!

3. What’s your favorite food dipped in chocolate? What’s your favorite food dipped in cheese?

Almost anything dipped in chocolate is good. I cannot pick one. Dipped in cheese? Well a nice crust piece of home made bread!

4. When were you last astonished by something? Explain.

Finding out the plate in my spine has moved! I knew it in my mind, but to actually have xrays confirm it, really astonished me.

5. Surf board, paddle board, ironing board, Pinterest board, score board, clip board, bulletin board…which board have you most recently encountered?

Bulletin board. As I prepare for our trip, I am putting lists all over the house for our dog/house sitter!

6. What’s your favorite story from scripture? Why that story?

Suffering and Faith in God (The book of Job)
Job learned that bad things happen to good people and bad people alike. The question is, will you continue to trust God in the difficult times? Is he worthy of our trust when we don’t know all the answers and our lives are filled with pain?

This has always spoken to me because of the difficulties I have faced in life.

7. If you were to travel from the east coast to the west coast in your own country, which five cities would you most want to see?

I love New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Oregon. Would love to go to Nevada too, as I have not been.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I’m off for another MRI today. Thank goodness I am not bothered by being in the tunnel. After the test is done I will see my Neurosurgeon.

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I hope all goes well with the MRI. I’ve never had one, but am a little claustrophobic. I am really enjoying reading all the sweet memories people are sharing of their aunts and uncles.

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