It’s Happening

I like to believe that I’m still really, very young. I feel young. I believe I have youthful, hip ideas about life. Most of the time when I look in the mirror I still see that 19 year old wrinkle free girl that I once was.
But lately, I’m finding that there are little things happening to me, that confirm something I’ve been denying. I am in fact, getting old.
It started harmlessly enough. First I had these gray hairs that began to appear. I told myself I was simply “prematurely” gray. A little dye job and no one was the wiser.
Then I noticed a few little tiny lines. Mostly around the eyes. Okay, those are “smile” lines. They just mean I’m a happy person. Not old!
But then I did something the other day that made me stop, sit down and finally admit that, yes, I am indeed getting old.
I was sitting typing on the laptop. I’d taken off my glasses because I cannot see the screen with them on. I typed and typed, and then got up to go into the office to print something. I reached over to the table for my glasses. They weren’t there. Okay, maybe I’d taken them off in the kitchen. I got up and walked over to the kitchen. I looked all around the kitchen, which in fact is quite a feat because I am blind as a bat without my glasses. I went into the bedroom and looked there. Nothing.
I gave up and went into the office and started the print job I needed to do. All the while wondering what I’d done with my glasses. Just then, I felt something like a tick on my hair and reached up and, yes, you guessed it, there were my glasses on top of my head where they had been all along.
Now it’s not easy to admit that I am suddenly a middle aged scatterbrained woman. I don’t feel old. Really, I don’t, but there are these little things that tell me that when you hit menopause you lose more than your ability to procreate!

10 thoughts on “It’s Happening”

  1. Welcome aboard!!
    I was feeling a little lonely here!!
    I’m actually enjoying this old age stuff. At least now I have an excuse!

  2. Yes but look at it this way … soon you will be able to wear your glasses on pretty little cords around your neck!

    P.S. I have the gray hairs, the wrinkle lines AND creaky knees…are you calling ME old???

  3. Here in Germany we have a nice phrase (a joke)….
    If someone calls you old, hit that person with your walking stick and throw your teeth towards him….hihihihi
    I know you canΒ΄t throw the teeth…hihihi… So you are not old.
    Love Uschi

  4. Hi Mom,
    I agree with Uschi–you are not old!! I even feel old from time to time, after a day of softball or volleyball. We all have our days!
    Hope you have a good one today!

  5. If you’re old, I’m older, so you’re not old. End of story πŸ˜‰

    I found a tick in my hair the other day and one was crawling up my shirt yesterday *insert loud inner scream*

  6. I am only 30 and I have grey hair! It freaks me out! But hey if I look and feel like you at 47 then I think I will be happy πŸ™‚

  7. I’m 27 and have tons of grey hair too. I’m holding off on any hair coloring because it feels too soon!

    Thanks for your lovely note! I have been head in the toilet for a few weeks, but it is so nice to finally come out with our news.

    I just realized that I’ve had you on my blogroll for months as Maribel! I must have been sleeping when I did it! Sorry about that!

  8. I agree with Amanda! I’m 30 and have greys too…and those pesky fine lines are starting to show as well. As for forgetting stuff? ALL THE TIME. lol

  9. Got my first grey hair at 25, so I guess I’ve been old for some time.

    By the way, what makes your story truly tragic is that glasses up on the hair has become so cliche that that is the first place you should have looked. Is your memory going too ???

    Just kidding πŸ˜‰

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