
Today was Hubby’s pre-operative testing. I went along so I could whip that place into shape and let them know I wouldn’t tolerate any poor attitudes and patient abuse. Hubby patted my arm several times to assure me that everything was okay.
We got there and Hubby got a questionnaire. It’s the exact same questionnaire he answered 8 weeks ago.
Do you have pain? Do you have trouble moving?”
No, he’s having this knee replaced so it matches the other one! Come on people, let’s ask some more intelligent questions!
Is there anyone in your home who tries to control you?”
Well, Yeah! I mean my God, I have spent the last 18 years of our marriage trying to do that! I’m failing, but I’m still giving it a good college try!
Is there anyone at home who hurts you?”
Do we have to tell them about Fritz and Greta jumping all over him?

Next we were on to blood draw. They needed to type and cross match his blood. They did this 8 weeks ago too. Do you suppose that this has changed in the last 8 weeks?

Next we spoke to the Anesthesiologist. Since Hubby’s last surgery had been an Anesthesia nightmare, we wanted to speak to someone beforehand so they would understand Hubby’s needs and concerns. The doctor was trying to explain how most people don’t do well being awake for their knee replacement surgeries. So the Anesthesiologist last time had simply put him out.
I explained that Hubby is not like most people. He has a high tolerance for pain, and he enjoys watching. I told him that he is different. I get a hang nail and I need morphine! Hubby doesn’t feel pain like the rest of us. I even told him how Hubby had watch my Carpal Tunnel surgeries. Yes, both of them. I still can’t believe he did, but like I have said, Hubby is different.
We left feeling that all would be done as Hubby wishes. An epidural will be used, but no other anesthesia. So he will be conscious and able to talk and observe. I’ll have to remind him to zip his lips during the operation and not talk apples to his surgeon. Let the man work, I say!

To end our pre-operative experience we were required to go to patient registration. They asked Hubby’s name…and then the lady said, “and Maribeth is your wife?” If I had been thinking faster I would have said something like, “You’re married?” to Hubby, just to see the woman’s reaction! I love doing stuff like that, but I wasn’t thinking so I missed the opportunity. Next time!

So, Hubby is all set for the next operation. He goes in first thing on Wednesday morning. I’m not nearly as worried this time as I was the last. Still, I’ll be glad when it is over and we are home again.

3 thoughts on “Pre-Op”

  1. Oh wow, Hubby is a brave sort… I don’t think I’d want to be awake for my own surgery!! I’m glad you’re there to keep everyone in line and add some wit along the way 😉

  2. Everything will be just fine. Your husband is very brave, mine faints at the thought of blood! good luck, it will be over soon

  3. Doesn’t stuff like this drive you crazy! One time I was hospitalized for hemorrhaging a few days after I had nasal surgery. So, I have all this medical stuff stuck up my nose to stop bleeding and the nurse asks when I get up to my room “So, what are you in here for?” Hello–at least mention that you notice that my nose doesn’t look happy!

    Good luck to your hubby.

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