Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Can you believe it’s the end of January? What was the best day of January 2017 for you, and why?

January 3, 2017. It was the day I met Dr. G. down in Boston, and he examined me and found out that I did need more surgery, because the other surgery had failed. I think you believe that being in pain is all in your head. Although the surgery will be extensive, I am confident that this will end the pain.

2. What sounds make up the background noise in your life?

Barking dogs, the low hum of the TV, (I watch movies again and again, not really watching, but just because their familiar words are just background noise in this crazy world) and music, always music. Of course, it is best if this is not all at the same time!

3. I read on the Power of Positivity website a list of ten things to drop from your life right now. They are-

anger outbursts, people who put you down, regret, negative self talk, being a people pleaser, the notion you need to be perfect, the past (but keep the lessons learned!), gossip and judgment, comparing yourself to others, and the word hate (focus on what you love instead)

Which thing on the list do you most need to drop? Are you trying or will you try?

I have been working on this already in the New Year. I tend to have a wicked temper, so I have been trying not too. Regret and negative self talk? Well, I am sort of the Quess of that and I really need to stop.

4. What is sacred to you?

My faith, my family and my friends. God knows that I have a deep and abiding faith in him. I hope my family and friends realize that my love for them is also deep and is sacred.

5. January is National Oatmeal month. Are you a fan, and if so how do you like it?

Oatmeal is okay. Not a super big fan. I can eat it, but I don’t enjoy it. Sort of like eating wall-paper glue unless you doctor it up with brown sugar, etc.

6. What feelings does twilight stir up in you?

Hope. At the beginning of the day, it is the hope for the day. That good things will happen and that beauty will be all around me. At the end of the day, Twilight reminds me that this day is over, and I can relax and enjoy the night.

7. Something you’re looking forward to next month?

I know this is going to sound weird, so just be prepared. I’m looking forward to my surgery! I know initially it will be uncomfortable, but then the healing begins.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

In the last couple of weeks I have been taking roasts, chickens, and such, out of the deep freeze, cooking them up and making casseroles or soups or stews. Then I portion them out for meals, label and freeze them for Hubby to serve during my recovery. Yesterday it was the Cabbage Meatball Soup and today I am making a roast beef, and after I will make beef stew. Preparing helps me stay positive.

7 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Dropping in as your Hodgepodge neighbour. Enjoyed reading your answers and scrolled back a bit to see what the surgery is for. Sounds like major work but hopefully will solve the pain issues. My brother recently had back surgery and he also now has to have another op because they didn’t sort everything out the first time.

  2. Keeping the surgery in my thoughts and prayers for the best outcome and that you are free of pain afterward. Love YOU, Mel

  3. I think a major part of healing is a good attitude and you certainly have that! Praying for a speedy recovery for you and no more pain. I love your cover photo – what adorable dackels!

  4. I hope your surgery goes very well. I know what you mean about your best day and also about looking forward to surgery. I’m so thankful that i was referred to the best surgeon and had a second re-do hip replacement after the first left me with so much pain. God bless you as you prepare for this.

  5. You are a good loving wife ! Preparing all that food for your hubby ! I send him to the restaurant, or that he buys himself what he wants to eat at Picard, where I always buy our food, and otherwise he is invited by MY friends, because a man alone has to be fed ! Makes me laugh, because when I am alone nobody invites me for lunch or supper ! The comparison of oat with paper glue is excellent, lol _

  6. I understand wanting the procedure behind you and feeling excited about that. When you are in chronic pain it’s hard, and I am praying for a smooth and speedy recovery!

  7. You have a wicked temper? Really? I never would have thought it.
    (I do too, actually).
    I am so with you in my thoughts regarding your surgery – I hope it fixes everything that needs fixing and that you heal quickly!

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