Hubby’s Operation 2

Great news to report. Hubby came through his surgery with flying colors. Here is the story.

We arrived a little early for his operation. So, we ended up sitting around for a while. Eventually they called us in and we had the same nurses Hubby had two months ago for his other knee! They remembered us as the funny couple who made them laugh.
This time instead of the terrible female Anesthesiologist, we had a very nice man. He was the assistant head of the department. He came in, closed the door to lend us some privacy and we discussed how to go forward. What he did was give Hubby a nerve block in his leg and a nerve catheter in the leg that they will leave in for several days. This will take care of his pain. They also used a spinal block, but no Opiates. Hubby just does not do well on Opiates.
Soon they came in and took him to surgery and I went to the surgical waiting room. I sat knitting and talking with a woman I did not know, but who needed to also waste some time.
Two hours went by and Hubby’s doctor came in and told me how well he had done. No surprises, all pretty straight forward stuff. He said he was doing so well I should go back right off and see him.
I asked the receptionist and she said she would take me in to him in half an hour when he was “settled”. So I waited. I tried not to be a pain in the backside, but I was getting a bit nervous. Finally after 2 hours (!!!!!) I told the woman I was a “practical nurse” and she’d better let me back there. (Lord forgive me this lie, but quite honestly, there is nothing I could see “behind the curtain” that would shock or offend me!)
I must have sounded a bit hysterical because she quickly took me back.
And there he was. Sitting up happily in his bed feeling no pain, but being totally clear in his mind. He told me all about the surgery, about the doctor showing him the knee after it was removed and how neat that was, and how well he felt!

Soon they moved him up to his room, where he immediately wanted something to eat. He ate 4 containers of Jell-O, about a dozen packets of crackers and some sorbet before some soup arrived. Once he had downed that and was still hungry, they made him a meal of turkey and potatoes.
I felt like I could leave him, so off I went to get a few things done and get some food for myself. I called him a bit ago and he is doing great!
How do you spell relief?

13 thoughts on “Hubby’s Operation 2”

  1. I’m so glad that things went well! Hubby looks great!!! Let me know if you need anything, and hey…thank you SO much for the jelly! I don’t remember thanking you, but I sure was grateful ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That is wonderful! He does look great for having just gone through surgery. My dad has to have his knee operated on soon. He hurt it in January and long story, but work is just now realizing that they should have sent him to a dr. a loooong time ago! Glad to see Hubby is doing so well!

  3. I knew he’d do better this time around! He looks wonderful. I think not having that general anesthisia makes all the difference.

  4. He looks fantastic! Gald to hear it went well – it must certainly be a relief to know the surgery is over. Tell him hello and take care of yourself.

  5. Glad to hear everything went well! he looks pretty happy among all those medical instruments and things! Here’s to a speedy recovery ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I am so happy all went well with Jackยดs surgery. Please say hello to him and give him a big hug (and kiss…hihihi) from me. I keep crossed my fingers for he will get well soon. He looks very happy in that picture!!

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