What A Day!

Well yesterday was a real crazy trip down to Boston and back. I had pre-operative testing and a class about the spine surgery, and it was important that I make the trip. So, when we got up and it was snowing, we decided to leave early. Fortunately, the schools were out, so our High School neighbor came over and stayed with the dogs during the day. Which is great, because they really aren’t used to being alone.

I digress…

Yesterday was also the Parade in downtown Boston to celebrate the New England Patriots Super Bowl win!


So you take the horrible ice/snowy weather, combine it with over a million fans jamming the city, a few blocks from the hospital where I will be having my surgery, and you have one giant mess.

Hubby drove, and somehow managed to get me to the hospital a mere 15 minutes late. I ran in, and got to the class, which was a good class for a novice, but after having had two cervical surgeries, I actually knew all the stuff, and could have taught the class. But, at least I got to see what they offered. The “other hospital” offered nothing.

Then I raced over for my pre-operative physical. Thankfully the buildings are connected by long corridors over the street, so we walked and found the Pre-Op area. Then the waiting began. My appointment was for 12:45 and I was not seen until 3:00. I was pretty upset and at one point asked if I’d been forgotten.

Finally I was called in, and Nurse Roberta did my physical. This is the best physical I have had in about 20 years. They did everything from blood, urine, heart, blood pressure 112/68 and heart rate. The results were actually in my email when I got home last night!  I am one healthy chick.

Then we got on the road. At that point the traffic was still bad, and it was raining in Boston. It was bumper to bumper all thew way out of the city, and route 93 North was horrific! When we reached the border of Massachusetts and New Hampshire it start to change from rain to snow and then the fun began. Heavy traffic, several accidents around us, and the roads were terrible loaded with hard snow/ice.

We plodded along until Hubby announced that we needed to get some gas. So we stopped at the New Hampshire Rest Area in Hooksett, and each got a bowl of soup and a little gasoline. (We wanted to make it to BJ’s where we can get gasoline for $191.9 a gallon!) Then back on the road we got. It took us nearly 4 hours to get home, and when we walked in the door I was so happy!

So, my testing is done and in one week I will go in and have my surgery. I’m ready and although I’m not sure Hubby is, he at least know, what to expect.

One thought on “What A Day!”

  1. Glad you made it in and out safely, and that you’re getting closer to your surgery.
    And yay to the Patriots – I thought of you on Sunday 🙂

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