The Lord & My Knitting

The Lord has a sense of humor and I think he enjoys playing with my mind.

Yesterday I sat knitting again, day 2 since Hubby’s surgery. Click, click, click, went my needles. A mile a minute. I felt like I was making headway. Another foot and I would be done. I laid out my work to take a look and gasped! A three row mistake, about a foot and a half back! I tried to figure out a way to disguise it. Well, you can’t. There is was sticking out like a sore thumb! I debated. Do I leave it or do I rip out all of that hard work? Hubby and his visitor told me to leave it. No one would know.
I’d know.
I got out my book. My guide to beginners knitting. There it had pictures of how to thread a knitting needle in before you rip out your work, so you do not drop stitches. I worked carefully threading that needle in, and then, I ripped.
I felt like crying as I tore out all those hours of hard work. How could I have gone so wrong?
If my timing was correct, the mistake occurred when Hubby was in surgery. I was worried, I was upset. It’s his fault! If it wasn’t for his operation I would now be done with my project!
Hubby laughed and told me I should just have relaxed and not worried. Then all would have gone well. I should have had some faith.

Yes, the Lord has a sense of humor and I think he is amused.

8 thoughts on “The Lord & My Knitting”

  1. Isn’t that supposed to be one of the “handmade” quirks that make these things so desireable?

    Yes, I’m a bit OCD about things like that, so I would have been tearing out stiches as well. “Schade!”

  2. I can totally relate to this. This has happened to me on several occasions with cross stitching. It is such a sad thing.

    Sorry I have been absent. I am back, I hope. I hope you are okay.


  3. I came by to visit you for your Saturday Photo Hunt and saw you’ve been more busy with life!!! So, I’ll just drop you a note about your hubby’s surgery——-glad it went well, and yes with the knitting—-“Been there, done that!” And I understand the frustrations about having to rip all your long hard work.

    Happy Saturday.

  4. Oh I hate that. Maybe you should have kept it though, to keep showing Hubby how much you were worried about him….Glad he’s doing so much better

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