Snow, Snow, & More Snow!

Well it happened. After telling myself I wasn’t nervous at all about the surgery on Thursday, I finally woke up at 4 AM with nerves.

This is pretty funny too, because the final hurdles of my planning, all were taken care of yesterday. The two doggy sitters came by and got the run down on all the beasts. With the help of a Boston friend of ours, Hubby found a hotel to stay at, after our friends became very ill with the flu, and we have our friend, who plows driveways, all set to do our drive while we are gone. Which is a very good thing, because suddenly we are getting a lot of snow nearly every day!

So here I was this morning, waking up at 4 AM, and I just could not shut off my brain! What is wrong with me!

I kept saying to myself, by this time next week, it will all be over and I may actually be coming home next Sunday. I even repeated the words…”It will be over!”

This morning, before the next storm arrives I need to go out and get the last items on my list. Dog Food, Dog Treats and a few personal items for my bag.

Then they forecast it will snow another 12 inches today! The yard is beautiful, and full of snow,  and I am so over it!

Worst of all, I am sitting here watching the weather on the TV and they are forecasting a snow/ice storm for Thursday! Come on Mother Nature, enough, already!

3 thoughts on “Snow, Snow, & More Snow!”

  1. I feel your pain, have been up since 2. But no snow. Should be low to mid 80’s today. Will try to call tomorrow. Be sad in hat snow

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