My Greta

I took a nap today. What’s so unusual about that? Not much really, except that Greta was my constant companion. Usually she wants to sleep down by my feet. Not today. She was right up in my face with that little mustache of hers tickling my face! But she was quiet, save for the little wisp of her breath in my ear.
It was raining here today, gray, dark and cool. So a nap under a warm afghan felt so nice. We slept for an hour before I woke to make myself a late afternoon cup of tea. I got up made the tea and came back into the family room and sat to drink it. I glanced over at the sofa and there cuddled up under the abandoned afghan was my Greta.

11 thoughts on “My Greta”

  1. Oh that looks so cozy! Today was a good day for a nap. It was rainy, cool, and dark. What could be better? Napping with a warm and adorable pup and an afghan!!

  2. What a cute picture! Well, you might just get a chance for another nap today, by the looks of it! It was another 2-hr commute day for me with this rain. Hope you have a good day today!

  3. What a cutie. And Greta is such a great name for the breed!!! (Love the photo below too, where you’re spraying your fruit trees!!!)

    Hope you drop by and view my T 13 banners I made for you and the blogroll!

  4. Awwww – so she has finally forgiven you for abandoning her last week!!! She does look cozy, indeed. And she loves loves loves her momma!


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