The Friday Five

The first week of May has flown by. My lawn is getting greener and the first blossoms are out in our orchard.

May 13 11 014

Truly my time of the year. I just wish that the temperatures would be a tad warmer. In any case, here are the five things that I was thinking about this week.

  1. I’ve been trying to walk each day to regain strength. I started out in my driveway just walking a few steps. This week I did a half mile! I know that does not sound like much, but after being so ill, a half a mile is a long way. And I will keep working on it until I can do several miles!
  2. We went out for Chinese food at the beginning of the week. A few hours later, I was so sick. So no more Chinese for a while. Today Hubby wanted Mexican. I tried to eat blander things, but within an hour, I felt pretty yucky. So no more Mexican for a while either.
  3. I had my first appointment with my Primary Care doctor since this whole thing began, and I had written down everything I wanted to discuss with him. The appointment went well and we got everything covered in 35 minutes.
  4. Yesterday was Hubby’s birthday. First I thought I would cook Lobsters for his dinner, but no one had them! Weird. Next I thought we would go to Canoe for lunch, and when we arrived, they were closed. It turns out they are now only open for lunch, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Woops! That’s when Hubby decided on Mexican.
  5. Our old station wagon did not pass inspection. Junker city here it comes. Hubby was upset, but what are you gonna do? He would like to find a used pick-up truck, so we are now on the lookout!

2 thoughts on “The Friday Five”

  1. Lovely picture!
    Glad you are continuing to regain strength. Sounds like you should stick to “normal” food for a while though.

  2. How about some nice chicken and rice? Take care and hoping your tummy is better as time goes on. Love YOU, Mel

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