The Friday Five

Another week has come and gone, and here I sit waiting for the warmth of Spring. It seems we are stuck in eternally gray skies, 55 degrees Fahrenheit, and rain. Not my idea of Spring weather, where flowers bloom and my fruit trees blossom. Ah well, here are the five things going on in my life.

  1. I’ve been trying to get my Infectious Disease files moved to a new doctor here in New Hampshire. I’ve been waiting for an appointment. I called on Tuesday and discovered I needed to have the doctor in Boston refer me and send her notes. Fine, sent her an email, and waited.
  2. Wednesday I learned that my Primary Care doctor had to also refer me to this doctor as the Insurance Company requires this.
  3. After paying $1360.00 per month for my Insurance, all I can say about Insurance Companies is that they are not there to help you, but they are there to put so many hurtles in your path that at the end of the day, you cry in frustration!
  4. Although in Round One, paying for my antibiotics, found them covering those, now they do not want to cover the special supplies needed when you receive antibiotics through a PICC line. I am appealing their decision. Wish me luck!
  5. The weekend looks like a quiet one for us. Maybe I will take out a small Prime Rib to have on Mother’s Day.

One thought on “The Friday Five”

  1. Crossing my fingers for you on the insurance thing. I despise having to “fight” with insurers.

    You’ve got me drooling now with the prime rib reference!

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