The Pillow Queen

Those of you who know me well, know that one of the things I am really picky about is my pillow. For years I have been searching for just the right pillow. One that supported my head and neck, without being too soft or too hard.

I have spent a fortune over the years and tried every pillow known to man. However, after my cervical spine surgery, it became imperative to find one that supported my neck. I tried for months to find a pillow, a position in bed, anything that would give me some relief.

Finally, I did a search on for Cervical Pillows, and after seeing several that were highly recommended, I began to search for more information on the Internet.

I found the D-Core Cervical Pillow, Standard, Firm. Now this sounds a bit crazy, right, and the pillow actually looks a little bizarre, but my goodness, since I’ve gotten it, I sleep so much better and wake with little or no neck pain at all.


Each morning  I am thankful for this weirdly shaped pillow that supports my neck and face, and puts my head smack dab in the middle.

Could it be that the Pillow Queen has finally found the magic one? I sure hope so. I also hope that the pillow lasts for a while.

That would be perfection!

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