95 Degrees & Rising

It’s already 95 degrees here in the cold northern corner of the US. 95 ice melting, brow moistening, degrees! How did this happen? Why last week we were barely 60 degrees and in the process of getting a foot of rain! So how did we go from early spring to late summer in the course of a couple of days?
Hubby says I shouldn’t complain, it’s not like I melt, right? Wrong! One of the things I hate most in life is to sweat. In fact I think I would probably be a great athlete if only I didn’t have to sweat to get there.
Hubby says he finds me sweating a real turn on. Yeah, right. Like I believe that one. Let’s just say he will do or say anything to get me out and exercising.
Perhaps that’s why I like to snow ski. In the middle of winter there is very little chance of sweating too much. At least if you dress correctly, and over the years I seem to have this mostly mastered.
I know I am not alone in my abhorrence of sweating.
I was in a store one day in Florida. I was shopping for some summer clothes and I saw a man hopelessly trying to pick out a gift for his wife. After a time he came over to me and asked me what size I wore, as his wife looked to be about the same size and he was going to buy her an outfit. I told him and he held up the outfit for me to judge.
“Oh that’s nice”, I said “she won’t sweat too much with the short sleeves”.
The man looked very confused by my words and then very quietly he said “My wife don’t sweat, she glistens”.
Oh to be married to a man who only wants me to glisten! Now that would be nice!

6 thoughts on “95 Degrees & Rising”

  1. I hate to sweat too! At the family reunion yesterday it was over 90 so I was sweating and that was not fun!!!!

  2. I don’t like to sweat much, but I more hate that internal feeling of being TOO HOT. I’m not as sweaty tho, I think I got magical not-as-sweaty Asain skin from my dad.

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