Hot, Hot, Hot

I’ve always been one of those “cold” people. By this I mean that as long as I can recall, I have had cold hands, cold feet and even in the dog days of summer, I have needed knee socks, long jeans and a sweat shirt to keep my temperature up to the normal 98.6. In fact my normal temperature has always been 97.6, an entire degree colder than most. This also makes me wonder, if I was ever to die prematurely, would the local Crime Scene Investigators ever get my time of death correct?
But I digress.
I have spent my life fighting to stay warm, which is why this summer I find something very odd happening to me. I am HOT all the time.
I wake up hot, I go to sleep hot, I’m hot when I take a cold shower, or when I sit outside in a breeze. I can’t seem to cool down. I find myself sitting naked in front of my air conditioner.
Hubby, who has previously been the hot one in our family, and would force me to wear flannel pajamas in July due to the temperature he kept our bedroom, is now walking around the house in sweats all the time. Yesterday I caught him in a long sleeve sweatshirt, huddled under a blanket! Teeth chattering.
“I think it must be menopause” he offered, carefully today.
“WHAT!” I screeched. “I am far too young for that!”
“It’s just a thought.”
Menopause? No certainly at my age, (young and perky), it’s not menopause! Maybe it’s actually “Global Warming”!
Or maybe all I need is a new thermostat, you know, like an old car?
Shoot. Maybe it is menopause.

8 thoughts on “Hot, Hot, Hot”

  1. LOL you totally should have come with us yesterday to see Menopause: The Musical. I haven’t laughed so hard in a LONG time. Let’s go down sometime for the weekend and see it, it’s there til Sept & Mel said she’d see it again!

    Altho…it was weird when they were singing about vibrators and your mother was there…ROFLMAO!

  2. Wow, you had me laughing on this one! For some reason, this summer I have been the one who is very warm and fiance is the one who is “just fine” And I’m only 24 so I doubt it’s menopause for me! I’m blaming it on global warming!

  3. Ha…you definitely should have seen the musical. VERY funny.

    You are most likely in perimenopause. Find yourself forgetful, irritable? Wake up at night with sweats?
    Well, those are my symptoms anyway.
    You can have symptoms for 15 years before going thru the ‘change’. I use Shaklee’s Cocoa soy shake, B complex and Menopause Balancing Complex to keep the symptoms under control. The only time I have a spike in my symptoms is the week before my cycle.

    However, it also could be a hormone/thyroid problem but don’t rush to your doctor. He’ll take tests and then tell you the results are fine and you should just ‘relax’. If you have questions, email me…oh, I forgot to tell you that I am a nurse. :0/
    Sorry. Hope you didn’t think I was being too forward. Hahhaaa. Little late for that now.

  4. Yes, you should have been there last night! Menopause The Musical was just Great! I laughed and laughed. You’ll have to learn the words to some of the songs.

  5. A holiday in Halifax would certainly take care of the overheated feeling. I am freezing!!

  6. Hon, looking at the quality of your skin in that picture of you and Shubi, you are either way too young for menopause (peri or otherwise), or you have made some kind of deal with the devil. Gorgeous!

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