It’s All In A Days Work

Hubby and I had an interesting exchange last night as I was writing my blog entry and he was watching some mindless drivel on the TV. It goes like this:
Him: “What happened to the rest of the Strawberry Rhubarb pie? Did you eat it?”
Me: “No I didn’t eat it, you ate it.”
Him: “I don’t remember that! I think you ate it!”
Me: “Honey, you ate the pie. I got it for you on Wednesday night when you asked for something to eat as a snack. And I even put some ice cream on top of it for you!”
Him: “Imagine. Having pie and not remembering eating it!”
Me: “Yes. Getting old really sucks!”

So today while he was watching the World Cup Soccer match, I went out to the store and picked up some rhubarb and some strawberries and made him a pie. What a good wife I am.
Then I was flipping through a cooking magazine that I get when I stumbled across a pork chop recipe. I do not cook pork well. About the best you can hope for if you come here and I serve pork, is that I will shake and bake it. Somehow doing that works. However, there was something about this recipe that sounded good. So I planned it all out as though I were Julia Child about to film a cooking show, and made Hubby a delightful meal of sautéed pork chops with a country herb gravy, mashed potatoes and boiled beets with butter.
When I served our dinner I felt like June Cleaver! I kept waiting for his praise. The oooohs and aaaaahs of delight.
Me: Isn’t this great?
Him: It’s very tasty.
Me: It’s a new recipe. I think it’s a keeper.
Him: Hmm. Very nice.
Me: It’s easy to make too. Only about 20 minutes from start to finish. You know these knives aren’t too sharp.
Him: I think it’s the chops. They’re fighting back.
Me: (ignoring this) In fact, it is so easy you can make them for me when I have my surgery.
Him: Hmm.
Sometimes it just doesn’t pay to go fishing for compliments.

6 thoughts on “It’s All In A Days Work”

  1. Eating pie and not remembering? I don’t think that could ever happen to me!!!! I love pie! I’m going to have to check out that pork chop recipe! I don’t cook pork well either!

  2. Haaahahaaaa. I love your last line. I do that all the time when it comes to food.

    Want to hear something funny. If he makes something and it comes out good…he flippin’ raves about it for hours.
    “Wow, this is really good.” “I did a good job.” ETC. AD NAUSEUM

    AND…you are an amazing wife to go to the store and make him a homemade pie! Can you be my wife?

  3. Hi Mom,
    Hope you had a nice weekend! I was busy, busy, per usual. Had a good weekend, and now am officially on my 4-day countdown until I have a bit of time off! Yeah!
    Have a good day,

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