Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your sense of direction? 1=can’t find my way out of a paper bag and 10=if I’ve been somewhere once I can find it blindfolded ten years later.

When was the last time you looked at/used a map you could hold in your hand? (phones don’t count!)

9! First, I do own a GPS and a Cell phone and find these very handy. However, Jack taught me to read a map when we married and I love maps! Real, big, paper maps! I love to see the big picture and a real paper map affords this.

Now, I used to have a very poor sense of direction, but since learning to read a map and learning about the sun and moon, etc I have gotten very good at finding my way through life.

Back east, down south, out west, up north

Choose one of these directional expressions and tell us why you chose it.

Up north. And I chose it because that’s where I live, quite happily, Up North

2. Did you do more talking or listening yesterday? Is that typical? Describe your yesterday in one word.

Yesterday was Monday. Normal, and somewhat Quiet. I would say I did more listening.

3. Time, money, water-power-resources, opportunity…which one on the list are you most guilty of wasting? What might you do to change that?

Lately I don’t think I am wasting any of them. I feel I have been living life pretty fully and pretty reasonably!

4. Did your family take regular vacations when you were a kid? Tell us something you remember about a family roadtrip from your own childhood.

No we didn’t. Our family didn’t have the money. I remember only one trip we took and that was to Washington, DC when I was about 7 years old. I remember seeing the White House, and the other monuments. I remember it being very hot and I remember that I loved riding the tour buses and playing in the elevator at the Mayflower Hotel.


Me, Melodie and our brother, Dickie.


Melodie, Me, and our brother, Dickie.

5. If you could grow anything you wanted, what would you grow? Why?

A money tree? LOL!  I have been lucky enough to grow many things in my life. I think if I could do one thing now it would be to plan and grow a beautiful floral garden. And just because I love beautiful flowers!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Not too much is happening here. Just a long week of doctor’s appointments. Both for Jack and myself. Nothing terrible, just the usual.

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