Why I Hate Poison Ivy!

You want to know what happens when a little dachshund named Greta goes running through the tall grass in the field behind our house?
The dachshund in question is quickly grabbed and then given a bath with special shampoo, right out there on the lawn. Once she is done, I race in and jump in the shower and wash myself with brown soap and hot water.
Why do I do this?
Because I am incredibly allergic to poison ivy and my neighbor’s field is just loaded with the stuff this year, and when Greta gets the oils on her fur and then rubs up against me this is what happens:

I can’t recall being this allergic to poison ivy before. I’m not sure if it’s because I don’t usually go walking through overgrown fields, or if perhaps as I have gotten older I have become more allergic?
I think the best answer here is that I have a sneaky dog who loves to take off and run through the poison ivy and then come back and lcuddle with me! Gotta love that dog!
Now we’re all clean, and no one is going outside again unless they’re on a leash!

11 thoughts on “Why I Hate Poison Ivy!”

  1. Ugh, I don’t envy you!! Playing the DON’T SCRATCH game sucks.

    Of course this coming from the girl who is allergic to the sun and whenever I get too much (more than 5 minutes) of direct sunlight I breakout … awful stuff.

  2. Hope it gets better quickly, Mom. They do say that your sensitivity to poison ivy can change over time. I used to be so allergic it was silly, and now when I get it, I can keep it from spreading too badly.
    I’ll call you on my way home tonight!
    Love you,

  3. Good thing you love that dog! Altho, lol, you know, Wolf could give me poison ivy til the cows come home and I’d still love him 🙂

  4. Crikey that looks painful! I was lucky enough to never get poison ivy for the 9.5 years I lived in CT. People showed me the plant I needed to stay away from, but I could never remember what the plant looked like afterward. Perhaps I should have gotten it, just so I’d have remembered. 😉

    Do your itchies last long? I hope it clears soon!

  5. Ugh. My boyfriend has what he thinks is poison ivy on his arm and it is NOT fun. I have a mosquito bite too. We are currently vying for contention over who is officially itchier.:)

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