My Day On Wednesday

1. I got up at 5 AM because my brain clicked on and I couldn’t sleep.
2. Picked up my car at the shop.
3. Stopped at a local farm stand and bought a bunch of cucumbers to make some pickles for Megan. (LOL)
4. Came home and cut the cucumbers, onions and peppers up for the pickles Cutting my thumb up as well.
5. Made an assembly line with Hubby and Emily, (my young neighbor) to dip and peel peaches.

6. Sliced the peaches in half and set them to soak in Fruit Fresh.
7. Made 8 pints of canned Brandied Peaches.
8. Made a 7 pints of regular canned peaches.
9. Washed the floor that had gotten sticky from the dripping peach juice.
10. Washed a ton of dishes from our cooking.
11. Foraged in the refrigerator for dinner.
12. Fed the dogs.
13. Pre registered on the phone for my surgery.

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