Black & Blue & Joyous

Are you all tired about hearing of my black and blue and sore eye, yet? It seems to be the one thing that consumes me each and every moment, of each and every day. Why is this? Could it be I am entirely self centered, or perhaps, I am horribly vain, so that having this black eye is ruining my self image?

Not really. I think the biggest reason that this is on my mind to the exclusion of all else is, the happiness I feel that finally, everything has worked out and my vision has been restored!

I know, you are thinking, “Pah-leeze, I hope she doesn’t tell us the story about the 5 long years of vision loss again!”

Okay, I won’t. You have all heard it before, so I’ll simply say, that the joyous, wondrous, miraculous feeling I have inside right now, is something everyone should experience once in their lives. It makes me truly appreciate my vision, and the expertise of Dr. W.

So happy thoughts to you all on this Monday morning.

9 thoughts on “Black & Blue & Joyous”

  1. AND we’re all so happy for you… I for one don’t mind hearing about your eye at all and there can never be enough happiness. So please keep on sharing your good news!

  2. I agree with Mel! Good news is never overdone… talk about it all you want!! I am so happy your vision is so much better now; it would probably be the only thing I could talk about for awhile myself. 🙂

  3. Girl, it’s all good.

    I have a question for ya!

    So, do you have to wear glasses now with a new lens? Or will you have to get a new script?
    Do tell, please.

  4. I definitely agree with all the other ‘commenters.’ It’s fabulous and you have every right to be joyous. Shouting your joy makes us all feel a part of it…and that is fabulous, too.


  5. so happy to hear you are happy! 😉
    nothing wrong about sharing a happy feeling! now pls tell your blog to remember my personal info!! and have a nice day.

  6. Glad to see you feeling and doing so well.

    Now I have to echo Mar’s comments. Your blog (and Janet’s) are the only ones that don’t remember my personal info.

    Consequently, I don’t leave as many comments as I would like because it’s just a pain typing that stuff in all the time.

    Glad to hear someone else is having that problem. I thought it was just me and you had blocked me or something! LOL

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