The Best Laid Plans

It was flu shot day today for Hubby and me. Each year we get down to a flu shot clinic early and get “stuck” to avoid the aches and pains and general awful feeling you get from the flu. I went early (my number was #1, so this gives you a hint how early I was) and while I waited for the clinic to begin at the local Pharmacy, I walked around the store shopping.

Okay, I know, anyone who buys anything in a Pharmacy besides drugs obviously doesn’t get out much, right? Well, they had these great doggy steps that I had seen on TV. They were not expensive, and best of all, had no shipping and handling charge, so I tossed those in the cart. I also found a few Christmas presents and a couple of cards. Yes, I’m afraid I am a a Pharmacy Shopping Geek!

The Nurses showed up and I was injected and the nurse stuck a Band-Aid on me, to keep my “pretty pink shirt” free from blood. Well, guess what? She totally missed the place on my arm where she stuck me and I bled all over my “pretty pink shirt”! Grrrrrr!

As I drove home I was in total awe of the beauty around me. The leaves are so beautiful this year and I just soaked in their radiance. I’ve decided that I like Autumn the very best!

When I got home, I quickly got out the doggy steps and followed the directions and put them together. I just knew Greta would love them and that she would instantly use them, thus not stressing her back in any way, and of course giving her soon to be expanding belly plenty of room when she got up on a chair or the bed.

Greta sniffed the steps. She looked at them, then at me, like I had totally lost my mind. I got treats and tried to bribe her to climb up the pretty little steps. She hates them. I’m not giving up though, I will work with her each day until she comes over to me and using the stairs, climbs up in my lap and says, “Thank you for buying me steps, Mommy!”.

Until then I am stuck with the old saying, “The best laid plans…”.

9 thoughts on “The Best Laid Plans”

  1. Oh goodness. I’d have given you know the ones that Maxi’s reaction was identical to Greta’s…They’re in the closet in the guest bedroom!! laid plans

  2. Let me know if you can eventually get her to use the steps. I was thinking of getting some too. I’ve tried the Rubbermaid two step footstool but Daisy won’t use it because the steps are too narrow.

  3. I saw a commercial for those doggy steps and was wondering how well they work. My Mom has a little dog who has trouble jumping up onto the bed. Keep us posted!

  4. Don’t give up, MB. Teddy didn’t use his stairs at first either. You just have to keep up the training process (bribing with food!!) He still doesn’t always use them, but he generally does.


  5. Hi Mom,

    I bet she will use them after enough time, especially once her belly has gotten bigger! It will be harder for her to move around so easily as she does now.

    Hope you have a great day.



  6. I got some of those steps for Korkie and Cinder … they both ignored them. After 6 months of just sitting there I gave them to my neighbor for his 2 shih tzus – they promptly ignored them as well.

  7. How funny, I got my mom’s cat a “kitty shelf” once, so he would comfortable, when he sat in window. Did he ever use it? Oh no, he sniffed it, stuck his tail up in the air, and went to another window. Little brat!!!

  8. I’m dying laughing because this same thing happened to me. I bought Tango this adorable little fleece outfit, and I was so proud of myself that I’d found something that would keep him warm in the winter instead of watching him shiver!

    I should videotape him so that you can see the show of misery that he puts on if I try to have him wear the fleece outfit. We’re talking head down, look of disdain and fury and mortification, and he refuses to move. He stood in one spot for an hour and refused treats and food and wouldn’t even look at us!

    I bet she’ll eventually try it, unless she’s as stubborn as Tango!

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