And So It Goes

What a beautiful Saturday we had here. Bright sunshine that warmed you, despite a temperature that never got above 58 degrees all day long. After doing a little housework and cleaning out a closet, I took Greta outside on her leash and decided to plant some bulbs. I figured I could get it all done, lickity split, and Greta could get a little fresh air. Ha! I did get six bulbs planted, but then she wanted to play and run around and I’m afraid my bulb planting stopped. Oh well, perhaps tomorrow.

I wanted Hubby to take a picture of my hair to show a few people, and we were all set to go when a hot flash hit. My glasses steamed and then fogged up and when I saw the picture I had to laugh! I’m calling this picture: What A Hot Flash Looks Like!

Oct 13 003

My issue if “Der Dachshund” arrived today from Germany. It is the monthly magazine from the DTK. It is written in German, and tells about all the different titles that the German dachshunds have attained as well as upcoming events. It also had my name and kennel application in it. It was so thrilling to see it there in black and white and know that it’s official!

I think the colors are past peak now. It was a quick Autumn. We still have plenty of leaves, there just not at the height of color. I do love Autumn, so I hope that the leaves that are left will stay for a while.

Oct 10 002

7 thoughts on “And So It Goes”

  1. Maribeth, have you learned to speak and understand German over the years? We’re trying to learn Czech and it’s hard!!

  2. That picture of you is great, steamy glasses and all. I love the fall trees too.
    I saw the side/back view of a gal on the treadmill at the gym today and it looked so much like you. Ron thought so too. I miss you!

  3. Well, your leaves may be past their peak, but they are still lovely. That’s a great scene. As for you and your steamy glasses…..quite an interesting effect!


  4. A hot flash moment, that’s funny!

    Those Autumn pictures are just beautiful. We don’t really have a fall or spring in Oklahoma. But, the few days that are the fall weather are just wonderful and I love them.

  5. Darn-it … missed another leaf season. They kind of change colors here, but not quite like there. Loved the pic with the foggy glasses … at first I thought it was just a reflection.

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