Bratkartoffeln – German-Style Sautéed Potatoes

Difficulty: Very easy

Chef’s Note
I used to cook the potatoes before, now I do not. I peel them rinse them well in cold water and then slice them in half and then slice from one end to the other, about an eighth of an inch. I let the potatoes soak in cold water.


4-6 potatoes
4 slices smoked bacon, cooked until crisp and broken up (set aside)
1 small yellow onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons of oil
Salt and pepper
Parsley (optional)


1. peel, slice and set aside potatoes;
2. in large skillet sauté bacon drain bacon on paper towel and set aside, reserve the bacon fat in the pan;
3. Add the oil bring up the temperature again;
4. sauté the potatoes until tender and turning brown;
5. Stir the potatoes frequently;
6. when potatoes are nearly done, add onion and toss to coat;
7. sauté until onions are cooked, crumble up the bacon and then add to potatoes and onions:

Serve immediately.

4 thoughts on “Bratkartoffeln – German-Style Sautéed Potatoes

  1. Love them but can’t cook them, I get mashed potatoes out of them… It seems you don’t only need firm potatoes, the skillet is also important. Mmmm, I can smell them, lecker!

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