My Little Pot Bellied Greta

There are times I feel that my dogs conspire to keep me home. Sometimes it’s Fritz, who can get into trouble faster than the speed of light. In the past when I was planning to go away he has, gotten an eye infection, sliced his neck open and refused to eat.

Today I had a 9 AM appointment to get my hair done. Nothing big, just a little color and a light trim. I would have been gone for about an hour, or an hour and a half, at the most.

Greta started in during breakfast.

Nov 18a 002

First she barked to go out. So I took her. No sooner had we gotten in, then she started back for the door with that awful hang-dog look that usually precedes vomiting. I rushed to the door, grabbed my coat and rushed her outside. She paced back and forth. She went to the stream and got a drink of cool water, she sat down and got up again. She stood looking helplessly at me. Finally I got her back in the house and went to eat my breakfast. Greta climbed into my lap. She was shaking violently and then she tried to climb my body.

Now I was freaking out. What was wrong? I was worried that she had the equivalent to Preeclampsia (yes there is such a thing). I grabbed the phone and put a call in to my Vet. I left all the information and waited for a return call.

While I waited I had Greta in my lap. Quietly, I spoke to her as I stroked her fur. I could feel her relaxing under my fingers.

The Vet finally called back and asked me if I had felt any puppy movement yet? I said I thought I had, but wasn’t sure. He said it was one of two things. Either the puppies were moving and surprising Greta, in many ways scaring her, or she actually could be having the doggy equivalent of Braxton Hicks contractions, otherwise known as false labor. Who knew doggies could have that, as well?

I sat with her for a long time and let her rest. She returned to normal and all was well. Except I never did get my hair done. Oh well, my girl needed me and as you all know, I would do anything for her, even cancel my hair appointment!

10 thoughts on “My Little Pot Bellied Greta”

  1. I am sure Greta truly appreciated you staying with her when she most needed that! This brought back pregnancy memories when the baby moves and you can see your tummy “moving”, lol!

  2. She looks like she is laughing. She has a look that tells me she just didn’t want you to go get your hair done. LOL! What a belly! She looks great!

  3. Glad she is feeling better – how odd it muist be not to be able to talk and explain what you are feeling…she is lucky that you can pretty much read her mind!

  4. She looks like she has a big smile on her face in that picture! I think I would have stayed home, too.
    You just never know what might happen when they’re preggers, and the peace of mind is worth it.
    However, I hope your hairdresser is a dog person…LOL

    p.s. I love your site design. It’s very pretty and soothing!

  5. I came by from Pam’s to wish you Happy Birthday! Greta’s having puppies, how exciting!Poor little girl, I’m glad she’s feeling better. I can imagine how scared she must have been to feel false labor, and how happy she must be to have you taking such good care of her!

  6. I’m sorry you missed your hair appt but that is kinda funny! Poor Greta. She doesn’t know what’s going on with her. Wait’ll those puppies want to come out!! She doesn’t get to read pregnancy books like the rest of us did to get prepared, though I’m not all that sure it made a big difference! LOL

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