Saturday Morning

On Saturday we had our first snowfall. I woke early, and it was cloudy but dry. I enjoyed my first cup of coffee, (isn’t that the best thing ever?), watched the news and checked my email.


Jack got up, and we had our breakfast. It was then that I looked out and realized that the first flakes of the season were falling and sticking to the ground!


I did not feel like going out into this mess, but Jack convinced me that we needed to go. So, I put on my winter coat and hat, called to Arnie and off the three of us went.

It was the usual Saturday morning stops. Post Office, Grocery Store, and Liquor Store to get some Brandy and a Lottery Ticket.

I never used to buy Lottery Tickets, but int he last few weeks I’ve been thinking I would like to prove to God that I could really handle winning that much money. So far I have won nothing, but a girl can dream, right?

I also prepped the Sauerbraten for Monday or Tuesday. It must soak in its marinade for a few days and then it will be perfect for a good meal or two. I love cooking Sauerbraten because it brings back memories of my grandmother, mother and times my family spent together around the table exclaiming about the perfection of the meal! Yes, Sauerbraten is a very good thing!

I napped again today, but I feel I am winning the battle against this little cold I have. No fever or anything, just feeling stuffy and tired. So, I decided to listen to my body and slow down!

Have a great Sunday, Everyone!


2 thoughts on “Saturday Morning”

  1. I’m glad to read that you are feeling better and are able to ‘slow down’ and take it easy. I don’t even want to think about seeing snow outside my window!! Brrrr!! It has been years since I had sauerbraten! Sounds so good!! Do you have a favorite recipe?

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