One, Two, Three…

Greta went to the Veterinarian on Thursday. I could hardly wait to go because I wanted to see how she was doing and what Dr. Julie thought of her growing belly. I somehow felt that perhaps those three little puppies weren’t growing well enough and that they might need extra food or something when they came into this world.

You see, I just don’t think that Greta looks all that big. I mean, yes, she has definitely grown in girth, but she doesn’t look like a pot bellied pig or anything.

Nov 29 003

However, Dr. Julie was thrilled with Greta. My little girl had gained over 2 ½ pounds, and when Dr. Julie suggested we do an x-ray, I agreed. After all, I wanted to make sure those three puppies didn’t need a road map or anything, to find their way out.

They took Greta off to x-ray her and after a few minutes Dr. Julie came running up the stairs. “Do you know how many there are?” she asked. I shook my head. “Five for certain and I think I see a sixth head!!!” She wanted to do one more x-ray and since Greta was being very cooperative she did it. Then the Vet brought the x-rays up and I got to see the babies.

One, two, three, four, five heads, five wavy strings of pearls (spines), and the hint of another head and spine under Greta’s own. It was so sweet, so beautiful, that I cried!

I brought Greta home with all of the new information I had gleaned. Sometime after the 4th of December I should really watch out for the signs of labor. The first one being a dip in her temperature. (Normal temperature for a dog is 101+ and it will dip to 98-99)

Tomorrow I go to get the last of the supplies I need, a few groceries and then come back home. I think between Hubby and me, we can make sure she isn’t alone for long.

So there is our news! Five, count ’em, FIVE puppies are on the way (possibly six)!!!


17 thoughts on “One, Two, Three…”

  1. I’m sure Greta appreciates you for not thinking she’s a pot belly 😉
    What a fit gal -keeping a slim figure and carrying 5/6 pups!

    Do have to name the pups right away or can you wait until their personalities give you a clue?


    No, ICL, this far along xrays aren’t harmful.

    Oh My…you must have found it hard to sleep last night!!

  3. Oh my – apparently Greta was talking to Meghan about how many pups to have… she looks like she’s doing great. Congratulations!

  4. Hi Mom,
    That is great–so exciting! I can’t believe 5 or 6 puppies! I can’t wait to get to meet them later this month.

    I did one quick on-line search yesterday for German A names. Here’s what I came up with: Alena, Alexia, Alfreda, Adelina, Amalia, Amalie, Andreas, Anton, Anina, Arnie, Albrecht, Alfonse, Achim, Augustus, Ariane…..

    Have a great day!

    Love you,


  5. Five and maybe six! Wonderful news. I thought it was only yesterday you told us about Greta being pregnant. how fast the days passes!

    Soon there will be little christmas puppies. Santas little helpers… *lol*

    Your christmas will be full of life 🙂

  6. Oh you are going to be busy busy busy!! Do you already have potential homes lined up … not that it would be the end of the world if you ended up keeping them all.
    = )

  7. WOW!!! Five (maybe six!:)) sweet little bundles of joy running around your house pretty soon…could there be any better Christmas than that???
    Maribeth, I am SO happy for you, that’s really amazing news!!!
    Kiss Greta for me, and I’m looking forward to seeing the pics of the little pups!

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