
Greta has started her labor. She is productive and so we will have puppies by morning. She is not happy with her whelping box, and keeps trying to get back into my bedroom, but that just isn’t going to happen.

I have moved a chair into the puppy room as my back was not doing well with kneeling or sitting on th tile floor. Once the puppies are here, I’ll put a mattress on the floor for the first few days so that both Mommy Greta and Granny Maribeth can rest. LOL

I’ll write more later…

6 thoughts on “12/10”

  1. Yea!!! I knew it would happen! Best of luck on this very blessed, blessed event. I will check back in the morning to see what has transpired through the night. Congratulations Grandma!!

  2. WOW, I am exited absolutely and I can´t hardly wait to see the first pictures of Greta´s babies. I keep crossed my fingers for all will get well!!
    Love Uschi

  3. Wonderful. I am jealous – you get five or six and I’m only getting one. Must tell Annie to get with the program – we are more than ready to meet little Jesse. (Anne is due the 18th) – last Tue was 60% effaced and 1cm dilated – we are hopeful he will arrive early. Am eagerly looking forward to seeing your little bundle of joy pictures. Love, Carol

  4. omg omg omg omg!!!!

    I’m sooooooooo excited I can’t stand it. Can’t *wait* to hear how everyone’s doing and see puppy pictures!!!

  5. Thanks again for keeping us up to date on what is going on with Greta. I checked your blog first thing this a.m. right after shower and before I go to church 🙂 You’d think I actually know her or something..lol Well you get to know someone or something when you read their thoughts each day and see their videos and pictures too. I can hardly wait to hear more progress.

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